MakingEnvironmental dataaccessible

Visualise environmental data, gain insights, identify the trends, and act toward a decarbonized and greener future.

Meteory Platform
Data Visualisations

Monitor your environmentthrough intuitive maps

User-friendliness is at the core of our platform's design philosophy. With an intuitive and straightforward interface, users can quickly adapt to the platform without technical expertise. Navigating through tens of gigabytes of data has never been easier.

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Available Datasets

Access different datasets& benefit from Meteory's expertise

Explore the different datasets available on our platform especilly designed to meet your specific needs. From land cover changes to atmospheric concentrations and carbon sequestration, our diverse range of datasets are here to support your decisions.


See the evolution of your territorythrough time

Meteory Platform screenshot

Not only our platform gives access to current data for a chosen region, but also to archival data gathered over the past years. Analyze and compare trends over time to make decisions based on insights provided by the past.


Focus on specific areas andget precise insights

Need to perform a analysis on a specific part of your territory? Simply draw the contour of it, and unlock a wealth of data and charts specific to your selected area or region. Use our polygon-drawing functionality to get more focused insights.

Meteory Platform screenshot

Get the best of Meteory's expertiseover your territory

Not only we provide data visualisations, but we also offer comprehensive reports tailored to your needs. With our expertise in environmental data interpretation, we can generate detailed write-ups to help you understand and utilize the information effectively. Whether you require a customized analysis or description of graphs and charts, we have the tools and knowledge to support your decision-making process.

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ESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyG2AESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2AESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2A

Start taking datadriven decisionswith Meteory

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