The platform forEnvironmental diagnosis& monitoring

Specifically designed to meet the needs of local territorial communities, the Meteory platform gives you access to all the environmental data and necessary tools for the establishment and monitoring of your ecological policy and your differentlocal urbanisation plans.

Visual of Meteory platform
ESA BICKoppertNational ForestMauges CommunautéPays de LurePays HoudanaisSybarvalVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand Longwy AgglomérationTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2AESA BICKoppertNational ForestMauges CommunautéPays de LurePays HoudanaisSybarvalVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand Longwy AgglomérationTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2AESA BICKoppertNational ForestMauges CommunautéPays de LurePays HoudanaisSybarvalVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand Longwy AgglomérationTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2A

A user-friendly interface

Visualise your territory's datain a clear & precise way

Easily browse through our different indicators and quickly get an overview of your territory's situation with a simple and detailed interface. If needed, go back in time and dive into the details using the various tools provided to better understand the different trends.

Meteory Platform screenshot

Our Datasets

Access all the datasets you needto establish your ecological policy

Explore the different datasets available on our platform, especially designed to meet your needs. From changes in land use to carbon sequestration, including measurement of linear kilometers of hedges, our wide range of datasets is here to support your decisions.

Custom areas of interest tool

Go into details by definingyour own areas of interest

In addition to the official administrative boundaries of your territory, you can also define your own areas of interest to analyze the situation in specific locations. This allows you to observe the effects of different actions on your territory and precisely measure their impact.

Meteory Platform screenshot

Comparison tools

Identify the trends of your territorywith our comparison tool

Meteory Platform screenshot

Compare different locations based on an indicator to identify your strengths and weaknesses, or correlate different indicators within the same area to identify links and trends.


Become Premium

Access all the environmental data of your territory in high resolution, as well as unlimited access to all our features.

Your advantagesMeteory without subscriptionMeteory Premium
Access to all datasetscross icontick icon
Data up until todaycross icontick icon
High resolution datacross icontick icon
Exportation of data into CSV formatcross icontick icon
Customs zones of analysiscross icontick icon
Comparison toolscross icontick icon

Paper reports

Need a diagnosis on a specific aspect ?request a Meteory report

Do you already have most of the data you need and are just looking to complete your study with one or a few additional indicators ? Then order a Meteory report and take advantage of our expertise on the aspects you’re missing.

Meteory Platform screenshot
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