Insurances &Financial Services


Identify, assess,and anticipate natural disasters

In the last year, natural disasters have caused economic damages amounting to approximately 270 billion $ globally. With majority of them caused by weather, insurance sector finds it hard to precisely evaluate risks of catastrophe. Challenges include the scarcity of detailed hazard data necessary for assessing property and casualty risks and the lack of mechanisms for managing risk accumulation. With our detailed and comprehensive hazard datasets, we help insurers to overcome their daily challenges. Meteory platform allows for easy assessment in the face of natural disasters.

Picture of Hedges
Professional Solutions

Our datasets



Identify areas at risk of flood, with a forecast up to 30 days in advance.



Map areas at risk of wildfires to prevent wide damage using monthly assessment



Understand water retention in soil, with biomass and weather indicators.


Integrated Platform

Analyse, aggregate and identify trends over your portfolio hazard view

Disaster risk management and weather impact analysis will allow you to make a tangible difference in safeguarding vulnerable populations worldwide. Harnessing our cutting-edge resources such as satellite databases and machine learning can give you a holistic knowledge to prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from natural disasters. As Meteory is always looking to stay ahead, new datasets are developed on a monthly basis.


Indentify area exposed to floodsand prevent damages

Early warning systems are essential for flood prevention. With our advanced monitoring system, we can help you pinpoint vulnerable areas well before the flood strikes, empowering authorities and communities to take timely preventive actions. Meteory's predictive capabilities enable to forecast floods based on various factors such as rainfall patterns, river levels, and soil saturation. In the aftermath of a flood, Meteory's precise mapping capabilities come into play, enabling to accurately delineate the affected areas and assess the extent of damage incurred.

Picture of flooding

Flooding Risk

+8.9 %

Flooding risk increase since 2021.

Fire Risk

Monitor wildfire riskclose to forest

Flooding Map

Wildfire risk

+18.4 %

Territories exposed to wildfire.

Meteory can help you to accurately identify areas at high risk of wildfires, allowing for proactive measures to be taken. Our precise fire risk maps is based on more than 30 indicators. Temporal risk analysis provides insights into fire risk evolution throughout the year, enabling authorities to allocate resources effectively. With live updates on ongoing events, regardless of their location in rural or urban settings, our technology ensures rapid response to wildfires, minimizing their economic, social, and environmental impacts.

Forest Monitoring

Predict the next drought tosafeguard agriculture

By detecting early indicators of drought, we can not only anticipate potential droughts but also assess the severity of the impending crisis, mitigating its impact on agricultural production and livelihoods. In the aftermath, our technology allows us to precisely map the affected areas, aiding in swift recovery efforts. Our innovative solution stands ready to safeguard rain-fed agricultural production worldwide, providing farmers with the information they need to thrive amidst new climate challenges.

Flooding Map

Drought Index

+4.3 %

Surface considered as in lack of water since 2022.

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